August 28, 2014

How You Can Help

Thank you to everyone who has offered to help Tom and Cathy's family as they all prepare for and recover from Tom and Maddie's October 6, 2014 surgery. As you can imagine, the family will need a lot of support in order to ensure that all things run as smoothly as possible. Fortunately, they have an amazing support network including friends and family who are willing to help take care of their dog, transport Cathy and the boys to and from the hospital, help with general house maintenance, prepare meals etc. Under the guidance and advice from the Henry Ford Hospital, Tom and Cathy's support network has organized to make sure certain tasks are taken care of. At the recent Goyette/Stewart family meeting friends and family volunteered to be "team captains". Each team captain is in charge of making sure that their task is taken care of by either doing it themselves or assigning a member of their team to complete it. Please see the below list of team captains and contact them if you have questions or would like to be a part of their team. Additionally, a funding website has been created by the Funding Team to help each team purchase necessary supplies. If you would like to contribute please visit this website

Joe Parks, CEO - (810) 247-7055
Kris Thiel, Vice CEO - KTHIEL@YECI.US

Cherie' Parks, Assistant to the CEO's and Cleaning Services Captain - CPARKS@GOYETTEMECHANICAL.COM

Laurie Thiel, Transportation Team Captain - LTHIEL@CHARTERMI.NET

Jodi Hendrickson, Grocery Team Captain - JODIE@JODIELOANS.COM

Cindy Wildfong, Meal Team Captain - CWILDFONG8@CHARTER.NET

Debi Raymond, Laundry Team Captain - DEBI@ROCKSTARHOMES.COM

Jeff Hill, Home Maintenance Captain - THILL511@CHARTER.NET

Gina Staudacher, Funding Team Captain - GINA.STAUDACHER@COMCAST.NET OR GMS@H2LAW.COM

Rachel Goyette, Social Media Co-Captain - GOYETTE3@MSU.EDU
AnneRenee Stoltman, Social Media Co-Captain -

Paul Goyette, Legal Captain - PAUL@GOYETTELAW.COM


Marie Chuchvara, Stanley(the dog) Team Captain and Goyette Communications Team Captain - GRAPEJUICE9@YAHOO.COM

Cherie' Reynolds, Stewart Communications Team Captain - CAREYNOL@SVSU.EDU

Curt Wildfrong, Tom/Cathy Friends Communication Team Captain - CWILDFONG7@CHARTER.NET

Libby Goyette, Madeline's friends Communicator - GOYETTEO@MSU.EDU
Sadie Staudacher, Madeline's friends Communicator - SADIELADIE980@AOL.COM
Katy Thiel, Madeline's friends Communicator - THIELKA3@MSU.EDU
Max Ellis, Madeline's friends Communicator - ELLIS3MM@CMICH.EDU
Peyton Thiel, Madeline's friends Communicator -

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